Poke-Stories with just art

Poke-Stories with just art

Words aren’t needed

Have you ever looked at a Pokémon TCG where the art looks like it’s setting up for something? Maybe a Trubbish following an awkward path through a dumpster?

Well you’re not imagining things! Sometimes the Tcg has delighted us with some short stories through the art in the cards. Other times, we get a glimpse into what living in the pokémon world may be like. 

With over 200,000 cards it’s not a surprise that artists have been able to create small stories. Some are simply done by utilizing the environment or other through multiple cards to tell a small but detailed story. Here I present some of those cards, there may be more, but these are few of my favorites.

Red and Pikachu (Sun&Moon-Cosmic Eclipse;Sword&Shield-Lost Origin)

While I don’t believe the intent of these cards was to go along in a story (due to the different art styles) I believe they highlight the journey of the player. For those who know pokémon mostly through the anime, Red might seem like an odd character to highlight instead of Ash and Pikachu. Red is you, or well at least the character you played in the first generation and its remakes. It starts with the choice of pokémon (Pikachu) , the journey you traverse and the bond that he has with his pokémon.

Shining Gyarados (Neo-Neo Revelations)

Image credit: The Pokemon Company

Sometimes moments in the Pokémon videogames are iconic. The sudden appearance of Giratina in Mt. Coronet. The battle against Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave. Yet, there was a moment in the second generation that marked a lot of people: The lake of Rage. In this game we get to fight and capture a guaranteed shiny pokémon: Red Gyarados. Shinies back in the day weren’t well known and thought to be a game error, to actually fight and capture one was a whole experience. This card manages to actually capture both the intimidating Gyarados and the player in awe.

Charmeleon’s Mistake (Black&White-Legendary Treasure’s)

A Glimpse into the wild world of Pokémon where we can see that maybe they don’t just battle. Away from humans, we manage to see two pokémon interact with each other. Charmeleon is seen looking for food while not noticing the Swablu in the back. This leads to an unfortunate mistake, a burn on the wing of the poor Swablu who manages to get away. We see a regretful Charmeleon calling out to the (justifiably) angry Swablu flying away. 

A whole legacy (XY-BREAKthrough)

Technology is part of the Pokémon world and has been for as long as we remember. Sometimes, technology will come to be for the betterment of the lives of both people and pokémon. In this short story we see a Doduo who, while he might be out of a job delivering newspapers, is honored. In what way? Simple, the mailing company truck that’s seen in the back carries Doduo as their brand’s mascot.

Family (Black&White-Legendary Treasure’s)

In the pokémon world, pokémons aren’t just for battling. They’re valued members of households and grow along the family. Tepig starts in a small three person family, which develops as he turns into Pignite gaining another sibling. Finally we see him as his fully evolved self, Emboar sits in the middle of the family. Grandparents, parents and grandkids all hang around him in a loving glimpse into what having a pokémon means.

Game tie in (Sword&Shield-Celebrations)

There are times in the games where the story can’t be fully expanded. This is done mainly to keep the player entertained and make it easier to play through the game. Yet, sometimes questions arise, for example: Who is Silver’s Mother?, Where did Looker come from? Some of these questions get answered through different media. The question of what form does the Cosmog Lillie carries around turn into is answered in this wholesome art.

It’s in their nature (Black&White-Legendary Treasure’s)

Displays of pokémon interaction without humans is rarely seen. Most of the time stories in the games, anime and other media involves mainly humans. So how would they behave without the human factor is always a question that fans have. Luckily for us, the tcg artists do tend to try and showcase this. We see two Natus fighting the cold and maybe this won’t end well for the, Fortunately for both us and the pair, Bouffalant has enough fur to keep them warm and journey though the cold.

Partnership (XY-Generations)

Getting a pokémon at age 10 might seem a little too wild for some parents. Especially when in the real world, you know hoe much care goes into owning a dog. Now imagine a fire breathing lizard. What you come to realize through these images, is that it’s a partner for life. While the charmander pranks his new partner, the relationship (and the pokémon) develop. Charmeleon helps him study (he’s doing his best) and charizard shields his friend from the cold in order to protect him.

Mischief Managed (XY-RoaringSkies)

We do know now that pokémon tend to be around each other a lot. Sometimes in wholesome ways. Other times it leads to accidents. In this case,  we see a pair of troublemakers. While Meowth seems to be getting away with the bounty, Inkay can’t help but see it and decide to cause some chaos. An ink covered eye and a laughing Inkay tell the whole story.

Hungry Hungry Duo (XY-BREAKthrough)

It’s well known that berries in Pokémon taste delicious. Yet, how far is too far? Some pokémon can’t wait to have their berries drop to the ground and might not be strong enough to shake the entire tree. So the risk rises, but it might be worth the reward. An intrepid Chespin looks for the sweetest berry and just when he’s about to get his rewards falls. Thankfully a Snorlax wakes up and reacts in time giving us a joyful moment between pokémon.

A full chaos agent (Scarlet&Violet-Paldea Evolved)

Some Pokémon have one mission in life: it might be battling, singing or even healing. In Fuecoco’s head “Bite” seems to be the only idea that floats around. The fruit that he’s known for scorching in the game is always near his mouth to fulfill the idea. Crocalor didn’t really outgrow the idea and he can fit so much more! He still bites as much as he can and loves the new colors. Finally Skeledirge seems to have outgrown the simple mindset and just loves to stroll with their partner. 

For Generations (Scarlet&Violet-Scarlet&Violet)

This card trio is probably the most well known cards that tell a story. From a young couple moving into their new house and Ralts taking in the new place. To Kirlia meeting the newest family member. We end with Gardevoir sitting in the same couch we see in the beginning hanging around the older couple that just a two panels away were just starting a new chapter of their life. Wholesome and simple, the message comes across: Pokémon stay with you if you love them enough.

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